How well does the host know his guests? Extremely well for sure! Really? Or will s/he be caught not recognizing a guest? “Guess the Guest” is a party game that is a pretty cool challenge for a birthday child or wedding couple who host a big celebration. Find out how it’s played here!
At 99 out of 100 parties, the host plans and prepares the party games: for example, for the popular party games Who am I, pantomime or who would rather in the party version. S/he is the game leader, organizer and mostly watches when his guests play. Quite differently with Guess the Guest – because there the tables are turned!
Guess the Guest is a great get-to-know game for big celebrations like weddings or round birthdays. If many guests do not know each other, this game helps to break the ice and get into conversation with each other.
The question is how well the host knows his guests. Different groups of guests have different things in common. Can the host guess them correctly?
If there are several hosts, as at a wedding, the bride and groom must recognize the guests correctly accordingly.
Guess the Guest – How to Play
For the game Guess the Guest is very important that the game leader prepares it well, because it must be matched exactly to the guests present and the birthday child or the host or the bride and groom. If you are organizing the game, you should find out about the guests beforehand and maybe talk to some of them beforehand.
In principle, the game is very simple: the host or hosts sit in front of their guests. Behind them stands you or the game leader. He or she now holds up prefabricated cardboard signs, each with a sentence that expresses a certain characteristic in the form of an “I” statement. Then all the guests who match the statement have to stand up.
The birthday child or bride and groom must now guess what the standing guests have in common. It is best to start with simple statements and then increase the number.
You can also spice up the game by giving the birthday boy or girl or the bride and groom something for each correctly answered question, e.g. a bill folded into an origami crane. Or vice versa, by “punishing” each wrong or not guessed characteristic, e.g. with a schnapps or by the birthday child having to take off an article of clothing for it.
However, this depends very much on the occasion and context of the celebration. As the game leader, you shouldn’t embarrass the host(s) 😉
Guess the Guest – Phrases for Inspiration
To prepare the game well, the game leader should gather as much information as possible about the guests. Besides, it also depends on the occasion and the guests present. Here are some suggestions for sentences, each with a different content focus.
Relationship to Host, Birthday Boy, Bride and Groom
- I am related to the birthday child.
- I am grandpa to the host.
- I went to school with the host.
- I went to college with the host.
- I once lived with the host.
- I work with the host / birthday boy.
- I just met the host today.
- I have the same first name as the host.
- I have the same last name as the host.
General Characteristics
- I am married.
- I have x children.
- I play an instrument.
- I am a teacher
- I wear glasses.
Provocative or Intimate Sentences
- I have a tattoo.
- I have a piercing.
- I have seen the birthday girl/boy naked before.
- I got drunk with the birthday boy before.
- I have had sex with the host before.
- I’ve had fights with the host before (e.g., as a kid in the schoolyard, siblings, etc.)
Guess the Guest isn’t the only get-to-know-you game for the family party on Greatime – also check out our 6 get-to-know-you games for weddings.
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