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  The popular 10000 dice game can be played with 5 or 6 dice.

10000 Dice Game – Who Rolls 10,000 Points at First? | Game Rules

10000 Dice Game Who Rolls 10 000 Points At First Game RulesFull Lotte, Tutto, Zilch, Farkle or Macke – the 10000 dice game has many names in Germany and is one of the most popular games with dice! Here you can find out how it works.

The 10000 dice game, also affectionately known as Berliner Macke or simply Macke, is internationally widespread and popular in numerous rule variants. The aim of the game is always the same: to be the first to score 10,000 points!

The dice are rolled with 5 or 6 dice in a dice cup, depending on the rule variant. Here we present the 10000 dice game with the classic basic rules. Below you will find possible additional rules and variants.

10000 Dice Game – Game Rules

  • Game type: Dice game, game of chance
  • Players: at least 2
  • Accessories: Dice cup + 5 dice (according to some rules 6)
  • Goal: To be the first to win 10,000 points.

10000 Dice Game Who Rolls 10 000 Points At First Game Rules

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NSV WÃÆ'Æâ€TMÃâ€ââ - 8004 - WÜRFELBECHER mit 6 Würfeln und Anleitung in der Faltschachtel, leder - Würfelspiel
Leder-Würfelbecher naturfarben, nicht lackiert, 9cm hoch; Kunststoffwürfel 16mm Kantenlänge, naturfarben, Augen in schwarz
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The player whose turn it is first rolls all 5 dice and the roll is evaluated and recorded according to the points table below.

Now he can decide whether to end his turn or roll the dice again, but for this he must put aside at least one 1 or 5 and continue to roll the dice with the remaining dice and collect more points. If a player succeeds in putting all the dice aside, he may continue again with all 5.

In principle, a player whose turn it is can roll the dice as often as he wants and collect points, provided there is at least a 1 or 5 in his roll. If he has not rolled either number, he has a quirk!

The annoying consequence: all his points collected in this round are deducted or become minus points! Immediately, it is the next player’s turn.

A player can, however, decide at any time not to roll any more dice and declare his turn to be over. In this case, the player’s accumulated points are credited as plus points.

The attraction of the 10000 dice game lies in the fact that each player has to assess the risk of a 10000 for each roll and decide whether to challenge his luck again in order to score more points.

The Classic Scoring System for the 10000 Dice Game

Single Values

5 = 50
1 = 100

Three Passes*

2, 2, 2 = 200
3, 3, 3 = 300
4, 4, 4 = 400
5, 5, 5 = 500
6, 6, 6 = 600
1, 1, 1 = 1.000

Small Streets

1, 2, 3, 4 = 500
2, 3, 4, 5 = 500

Large Streets

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 = 1.000
2, 3, 4, 5 = 1.000

*Päsche of 3s with 2s, 3s, 4s or 6s only count if a 1 or 5 is rolled with them! According to another rule, all doubles must always be “proved” by another roll (see additional rules below).

Objective of the Game

In the 10000 dice game, each player tries to achieve a score of 10,000 or above as quickly as possible in the manner described above.

If a player achieves this, however, he has not necessarily won. If other players come after him in the round, they can still try their luck to exceed the 10,000 and beat him. The winner is therefore the player who had the highest score in the last complete round in which at least one player exceeded 10,000 points.

Example: Max rolls 450 points and thus comes to a total of 10,050. But since he has started every round, Lisa and Katarina may now still roll the dice. Lisa only gets 8,700, but Katarina, who was close behind Max, gets on a roll and scores 10,250, making her the winner.

Optional Additional Rules

  • You may roll the dice a maximum of 3 times when it is your turn.
  • Whoever rolls 1 5 times in one roll is an instant winner.
  • A target value other than 10,000 is made out, e.g. 5,000.
  • 350 at least: The player whose turn it is must roll at least 350 plus points. Whoever fails to do so will have the points from this round deducted. (A rule against boring “playing it safe” ;-))
  • Minus-Mack: Whoever rolls a mack on his first roll (i.e. does not have a 1 or 5) gets 1,000 minus points
  • Lucky Quirk: If you roll a quirk on your first roll, you get 1,000 plus points, but then you may not roll any more dice.
  • Double the wash: If a double shows the same number of dice more than 3 times, its value doubles with each additional die: e.g.: 5, 5, 5, 5, 3 = 500 x 2 = 1,000. Five times the 5 therefore results in 2,000 points.
  • Purge “Prove”: According to this rule, a double throw does not have to contain a 1 or 5. Instead, each double must be “proved” by another roll of 1 or 5. The double may be followed by another double, which must then again be proved. Example: 1st throw: 2, 2, 2, 3, 4 (200 points are noted), 2nd throw: 3, 3, 3, 1, 4 (300 points are noted, the 1 is put aside, but the player must (!) prove this double with another (!) throw. 3rd throw: 1, 2, 6, 6. The player is lucky. He can now stop or put the 1 aside and try his luck again with 3 dice.

Variant with 6 Dice

The 10000 dice game is often played with 6 dice. Then usually even more dice combinations are scored than those listed above.

The following are possible additional scoring combinations with 6 dice

Four of a Kind

2, 2, 2, 2 = 800
3, 3, 3, 3 = 1.200
4, 4, 4, 4 = 1.600
5, 5, 5, 5 = 2.000
6, 6, 6, 6 = 3.600

3 Pairs

1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4 = 1.500
3, 3, 4, 4, 6, 6 = 1.500

Great Street

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 = 3.000

What rules do you use to play the 10000 dice game? At Greatime you can find more cool dice games like a variation of Yahtzee or the Mexican Dice as well as many game tips with new discoveries and super leisure ideas for activities with friends. If you like Greatime you can follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

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