Funny, personal or fancy? It’s not easy to find the perfect birthday saying for a good friend. Our tip: Let Gandalf, Jedi master Yoda and old Goethe help you! Here you’ll not only find great birthday sayings for friends of these word wizards, but you’ll also find original ideas on how to stage the saying!
Friends, family and partners: these are the most important people in life. They are there for you and offer advice and support. Special occasions like birthdays are the perfect opportunity to show these important life companions how much they mean to you with a unique idea.
A fitting message on a greeting card or inside the birthday cake makes gifts for friends much more personal. But only if you write something more than “Happy Birthday!”, “Congratulations!” or “Happy Birthday” on the card. And that’s not so easy!
Filling a self-designed or shop-picked card with witty and perfectly fitting words is harder than you think. That’s why we’ve thought about it and put together the best birthday sayings for friends.
Birthday Saying for Friends: Show Your Appreciation!
In times of Whatsapp and Facebook, personal handwritten wishes, poems and texts have become rare: but that does not mean that the appreciation for them is less than it used to be! On the contrary: anyone who takes the trouble to write a special birthday saying for a friend on a card is 100% making the birthday boy or girl happy.
A postcard from a good friend or even a handwritten letter that lands in my letterbox on my birthday is a real highlight for me: and I’m not alone in that! Precisely because handwritten, personal wishes require more effort, time and creativity than a text message or a short message on Facebook, they mean more to us today than ever!
What applies to the word also applies to the gift: a homemade cake is more special than a frozen cake and a self-made card more individual than a bought postcard. Time is the most precious of all gifts: self-made gifts, cards and handwritten birthday sayings for friends cost more time than buying a finished product – but they also express appreciation more expressively than 1,000 words!
Birthday Sayings for Friends: Which One Is Perfect?
Look for a quote, a saying or some wisdom that fits your friend or your friendship. The best thing is to combine it with a few lines of your own. There are many different possibilities for perfect birthday sayings for friends:
- Recall special shared moments and memories with your text
- Quote a shared personal hero
- Make your friend laugh
- Refer to a special life situation
- Express your gratitude for all you owe your friend
- Give your friend original, perfectly tailored wishes for their future
This Is How Movie Heroes and Great Minds Congratulate
Movie Quotes as Birthday Sayings for Friends

Life is like a box of chocolates,
you never know what you’re gonna get.
Forrest Gump (1994)
True are the memories
that we carry with us;
the dreams we spin and the longings
that drive us.
Let us be humble with these.
The Feuerzangenbowle (1944)
You always know you’ve found someone very special,
when you can just shut up for a moment and be quiet together.
Pulp Fiction (1994)
It’s 106 miles to Chicago,
we got a full tank of gas,
half a pack of cigarettes,
it’s dark and we’re wearing sunglasses.
Blues Brothers (1980)
All we have to decide
what to do with the time we’re given.
Gandalf, The Lord of the Rings (2001)
You’ve got grey hair.
But apart from that,
…you still seem quite youthful for someone..,
…for someone who’s 2031 years old.
Planet of the Apes 1 (2001)
Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need … roads!
Back to the Future (1985)
You have all the power
that you need,
If you just dare
to find it!
The Last Unicorn (1982)
What are you getting at?
– At my age, you don’t want to get at anything.
Matrix Reloaded (1999)
May the Force be with you.
A New Hope, Episode IV (1977)
This is the beginning of a wonderful friendship.
Casablanca (1942)
The Best Birthday Sayings for Friends of Great Poets and Thinkers
You don’t get older, you get better!
(Theodor Fontane)
Among all that contributes to a happy life,
there is no greater good,
no greater wealth than friendship.
You only have a birthday once.
The rest are the runway markers on the way to the stars.
(Siegfried Wache)
Anyone who retains the ability
to recognise beauty will never grow old.
(Frank Kafka)
What is imperfect
that shall become perfect;
for only to become,
not to be,
are we on earth.
(Friedrich Rückert)
Because you, friend,
you bestow upon me,
I thank thee with me.
Take me therefore for thee;
I am you;
you be me to me.
(Friedrich von Logau)
Become what you are not yet,
Remain what you already are,
In this remaining and this becoming
Lies all that is beautiful here on earth.
(Franz Grillparzer)
Happiness wants to give you something good according to its meaning,
Say thank you and accept it,
Without much hesitation.
Every gift is welcome,
But above all:
That which you strive for
May you succeed.
(Wilhelm Busch)
Oh, how wonderful that you were born!
Congratulate us that we have You,
That we may often enjoy
Often may we enjoy without guile.
Your defects, your faults are
Are harmlessly small compared to the weighed.
Today after forty years you will be:
Still a birthday boy.
Would you: never long be sad or ill
Be. And experience little ugliness.
To your parents we say
Happy thanks for that,
For bringing you into the world.
God grant you
All your steps;
Yes, we wish that.
(Joachim Ringelnatz)
Gather thyself to every business,
Never dissipate your strength,
Open your heart and mind with sympathy,
that you may kindly unite with others.
But only there give yourself completely,
where you will find yourself whole again.
(Friedrich Martin von Bodenstedt)
Celebrate every birthday as if it were your last and remember,
that love is the only gift
that is really worth giving.
Marie Freifrau von Ebner-Eschenbach
The secret of happiness is
is to count the highlights of your life instead of your birthdays.
(Mark Twain)
The older you get,
the more hastily it treads on your heels,
the so-called time.
(Wilhelm Busch)
To live lightly without frivolity
to be cheerful without exuberance,
to have courage without wantonness;
that is the art of living.
(Theodor Fontane)
The Best Birthday Sayings for Friends by Anonymous Hand
Watch your thoughts
For they become words.
Watch your words
For they become actions
Watch your actions
For they become habits
Watch your habits
For they become your character
Watch your character
For it becomes your destiny
(From the Talmud)
Finding a true friend is rare.
People live in different worlds.
Each in his own, but you very close to me,
I knew that the first time I saw you.
We are like brothers and sisters, different, but the same,
I need our friendship
For it makes me rich
No matter what happens
I’ll be there for you
But now all the best for your new year.
(unknown author)
You are a friend for life,
I’ll never have another one like you..,
since you’ve been by my side,
I know exactly what friendship is.
I write to you on this day,
how precious you are and how much I like you,
Happy birthday, lots of love and happiness,
We’ll look forward together,
and never back!
(unknown author)
May you live as long as you want.
And want it as long as you live.
(Ancient Irish blessing)
One of the greatest people in the world has a birthday today: You!
Happy birthday,
I value your friendship very much
and will always be there for you
when you need me.
(unknown author)
I wish you:
that you love
as if no one had ever hurt you,
that you dance
as if no one was looking,
that you sing
as if no one were listening,
that you’re alive,
as if paradise were here on earth.
(Irish proverb)
Birthday Sayings for Friends With Humour
At twenty, everyone has the face that God gave him,
at forty the face
that life has given him,
and at sixty the face
the face he deserves.
(Albert Schweizer)
When one looks at your grey hairs,
the wrinkles on your face,
the hip prosthesis and the false teeth in your mouth,
you still look about 18.
Congratulations from…
(unknown author)
Every year on your birthday your parents go to the zoo and throw stones at the stork!
(unknown author)
If someone calls you old today or in the future,
hit him with your stick and throw your teeth at him!
Let it rip, old boy – happy birthday!
(unknown author)
Getting older actually has its advantages:
You forget that you are getting older.
In this sense: Happy birthday
– and sorry for reminding you!
(unknown author)
What time takes away from man’s hair,
it replaces it with wit.
(William Shakespeare)
He who is not beautiful in his twentieth year,
in the thirtieth strong,
in the fortieth wise,
in the fiftieth is not rich,
let him not hope for it.
(Martin Luther)
Good wine also only matures with the years.
(Frank von Schillerberg-Gosheim)
Make Your Words the Main Gift
Why not turn the tables for once and let the material gift be the add-on to your original birthday saying for your boyfriend? With these original gift ideas, you’re sure to please him.
- Bake your birthday saying for your boyfriend into his birthday cake: Nothing brings as much joy as a fancy surprise
- Flowers bring joy to every friend. In many internet shops or florists you can add a special message to your birthday bouquet!
- A bouquet of flowers is too ordinary for you, but your girlfriend has a garden or balcony that she plants with love? Bury your scroll with the birthday saying or poem in the flower pot and make sure she repots the plant soon and finds your surprise.
- Create a poster, collage or parchment paper with your words and sayings!
- For avid writers: write a poem, a short story or a riddle for your friend
- You found the perfect saying? Insider or original movie quotes are also wonderful to print on everyday items and make them your boyfriend’s daily companion. You can design and print T-shirts, hoodies or a kitchen apron with your saying or even a breakfast mug, drinking bottle, beer mug, cushion, etc.
Just Write Birthday Sayings for Friends Directly on the Gift
- Gift books: write a dedication in the book
- Blu-ray or DVD as a gift: design a front cover yourself with your saying and slide it under the cover
- Label your birthday cake with the saying or bake biscuits and label each one with a word. Your friend can then put his saying from the words and eat it afterwards 🙂
Friends deserve special, unique gifts, don’t they? At Greatime you will find many ideas for gifts for friends. In addition you can discover several activities with friends, partner and family. Curious now? Have fun browsing!
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