With a little imagination, your trip to the botanical garden will be a real experience. These botanical garden games are fun for adults and children.
Botanical gardens, aroma gardens, rose gardens or parks: I have lived in the city for a long time, but I still love the green oases like no other place in the city. In summer, I meet my friends on the meadows to relax and barbecue. And in winter, the snow enchants the parks and gardens into glittering white fairytale landscapes.
I’ve been fascinated by the world of botany since I was a little girl – I’m also pretty good at identifying plants. I love flowers, collect wild garlic in spring and mushrooms in summer and autumn. My friends know this, of course, and surprised me one day with a special trip into nature – in the middle of the city.
3 Botanical Garden Games for a Playful Trip
Most men are not big flower fans: this is also true for my best friend. There is no flowering plant in his flat and he would never buy a bouquet of flowers for himself. That’s why I was quite surprised that he was the driving force behind the trip to the botanical garden. He doesn’t care much about flowers, but he finds biology and interesting facts about special plants exciting.
As I always teased him about not being able to tell a turnip from a rose, now came his revenge: he had prepared a quiz for me to test how much I (didn’t) know. It was so much fun that we now always thought up little tasks, questions or knowledge tests before our excursions – usually spontaneously on the way there in the underground.
Here you can find the Botanical garden games as PDF to download!
1. Knowledge, Guessing, Betting – Botanical Garden Quiz

Test your knowledge! Who is the biggest plant nerd, who is the most knowledgeable biologist? The best way to find out is to take a quiz. During the excursion, ask each other questions to find out how knowledgeable you are about plants and biology. Either one of you takes on the role of quiz master or each of you contributes a question in turn. The perfect quiz has questions that match your level of knowledge: so ideally you should think of a few questions before visiting the botanical garden on the bus, underground or at home. The knowledge test is even more fun if you form teams and puzzle together.
My tip: Lighten up your quiz with a few guessing questions or bets. Here I have put together a few suggestions for you, you can also find them with the answers in the PDF for download!:
Questions From the History of Botanical Gardens
- How many famous botanists can you think of?
- Where is the oldest botanical garden and when was it established?
- When and where in Germany were the first botanical gardens founded?
- Why were botanical gardens originally established? Hint: A building was always located next to the first botanical gardens!
- Which herbs were originally found in the herb garden?
Questions About Botanical Gardens
- What is an arboretum?
- Which herbs would you plant in an herb garden? Which ones do you recognise in the botanical garden?
- Which plants do you recognise in the tropical greenhouse?
- What are the typical characteristics of a rose plant?
- From which part of the rose is an important basic substance for an everyday product obtained?
Guessing Questions
- How many botanical gardens are there in the world, in Europe and in Germany?
- Up to what height can the best climbing roses climb?
- How many plant species are there on earth?
- What percentage of all plant species do researchers think are still undiscovered? How many new plant species do you think researchers describe every year?
Knowledge Questions
- How many butterfly plants do you know?
- Which flowers with a purple/yellow/red inflorescence come to mind?
- How many types of plants are there in your botanical garden?
- What plants can you find in the tropical house?
2. Botanical Garden Rally

With this botanical garden games you explore the botanical garden in a different way than usual: follow the tasks and questions of a rally for completely new perspectives! The botanical garden is ideal for a playful exploration. Through scents, colours and the sounds of bees and birds, Germany’s most beautiful gardens offer something for all the senses. Since enjoying and relaxing must not be neglected for us, this probably became our least extensive rally.
As always, the rally is much more fun in a team! Remember to take your smartphone with you to record completed tasks with a photo. After the rally, you can compare your discoveries with each other.
Here you can also find the rally questions and tasks as a PDF.
Botanical Garden Rally: Questions and Tasks
- How many plants are there in the botanical garden?
- Write down the names of all the yellow flowers you find. Who finds the most?
- What is the name of the world tree in Germanic mythology and which tree species does it belong to?
- Collect a needle or a cone from the ground from each conifer. How many do you find? Which tree is the largest exotic?
- Where is the oldest botanical garden and when was it established?
- Which flowers bloom in the rock garden? Photograph the most beautiful flower of each colour. You can also identify certain colours beforehand.
- When and where in Germany were the first botanical gardens founded?
- Which plant do you like best? Take a photo of it.
- Find the plant that stinks the most. What is it called?
- Under which tree did Buddha experience his enlightenment?
- Find the most dangerous plant in the garden. Why is it so dangerous?
- Lilies belong to the lily family. How many species do you think there are?
- Sketch the flower of a banana from memory. Who can make the most accurate and beautiful drawing?
- How many poisonous or deadly plants can you find? Write down their names and take a photo of the most beautiful one.
- What Latin names can you think of for plants?
- Take a photo of an insect drinking from a flower!
- How big is the biggest fruit you find in the botanical garden? Measure it!
- What plant/flower do the other rally participants remind you of? Find a flower/plant that suits each of them and take a photo of it.
- The rose is the queen of flowers. Which rose is the most beautiful in your eyes? Photograph it! And what is the name of the rose whose fragrance you find most beguiling?
- How many different butterflies and birds have you seen in the botanical garden?
3. Botanical Garden Photo Competition The Queen of Flowers
Are you a passionate amateur photographer? Then you’ll get your money’s worth in the botanical garden. There are hundreds of beautiful motifs to discover at any time of year and the garden changes its face almost daily. If your friends also like to take photos, you can hold a friendly photo competition.
Who will take the most beautiful photo of their favourite flower, which plant portrait do you like best and who will photograph the most bizarre flower shape?
After your competition, you decide together which photos will win and choose the most beautiful flower as Queen of Flowers. This way, you are sure to have captured the most beautiful memories of this day.
Have fun with these 3 botanical garden games!
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