Surprise your friends with a geography quiz and test together how far your knowledge of the geography of Germany and the world goes.
The Germans love quizzes, do you and your friends too? Then this entertaining geography quiz is perfect for you! Simply call it up on your mobile phone or print it out and quiz at home, at a regulars’ table or wherever else.
Geography is a classic topic for quizzes, e.g. What is the capital of…? What is the longest river on earth? etc. But even quiz-experienced know-it-alls reach their limits with some questions.
In this geography quiz, the difficulty increases a bit with each question, just like in quiz shows in the style of Who Wants to be a Millionaire! Some questions are easier, others require a bit of thought and the principle of elimination, and some… well, you can’t know everything. 😉
The complete Explore Quiz with all questions and answers can be downloaded as a PDF at the end of the article!
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Geography Quiz – How Good You Are at Geography?
Category I – Germany
1. Which two German state capitals are so close together that you can drive over a bridge from one to the other?
a) Berlin and Potsdam
b) Bremen and Hannover
c) Hamburg and Kiel
d) Mainz and Wiesbaden
2. Which of these rivers does not flow into the Danube?
a) Iller
b) Inn
c) Ilm
d) Isar
3. In which low mountain range is the Brocken, where, according to popular belief, the witches’ sabbath takes place on Walpurgis night?
a) Ore gebirge
b) Harz Mountains
c) Fichtel Mountains
d) Thuringian Forest
Category II – Germany’s Neighbouring Countries
4. Germany has 9 neighbouring countries. In how many of them is German one of the official languages?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
5. What is the name of the highest mountain in Austria?
a) Großvenediger
b) Großglockner
c) Glocknerwand
c) Wildspitze
6. Which capital of a neighbouring country is closest to the German capital Berlin?
a) Amsterdam
b) Kopenhagen
c) Warschau
d) Prag
Category III – Islands
From what size onwards is a land mass no longer called an island but a continent? This definition is, of course, purely arbitrary. But in general geography, the Australian mainland is considered the smallest continent and all smaller land masses in the sea are considered islands.
7. Which is then the largest island on earth?
a) Great Britain
b) Madagascar
c) New Guinea
d) Greenland
8. The state of Japan consists of no less than 6,852 islands. However, 98% of the population live on one of the major main islands – how many are there?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
9. Groups of islands sometimes have funny names: there are the Easter Islands, the Christmas Islands and the Farewell Islands. The ABC Islands are off the coast of which country? (They do not belong to it!)
a) Venezuela
b) New Zealand
c) India
d) Netherlands
Category IV – Africa, the black continent
The fact that Africa is often called the black continent originally has nothing to do with the skin colour of the people living there. Africa was simply largely unexplored for a long time and world maps were accordingly left black at this point. Even though this has long been a thing of the past, there is still a yawning void in many people’s minds when it comes to the geography of Africa. How does it look to you?
10. What is the name of the capital of South Africa?
a) Pretoria
b) Johannesburg
c) Lesotho
d) Harare
11. Which of the following African states is not located by the sea?
a) Ghana
b) Somalia
c) Namibia
d) Chad
12. The Victoria Falls are one of the largest and most impressive waterfalls in the world. Which river plunges 108 m into the depths over a width of 1.7 km?
a) Nile
b) Okavango
c) Zambezi
d) Niger
Category V – You should really know, but… not so easy!
13. What is the name of the largest lake in europe?
a) Lake Ladoga
b) Lake Onega
c) Lake Vänern
d) Saimaa
14. What is the smallest country on earth?
a) Vatican
b) Nauru
c) Monaco
d) Liechtenstein
15. Which is the highest capital of a country above sea level?
a) Quito, Ecuador
b) Thimphu, Bhutan
c) Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
d) Bogota, Colombia
The correct answers are available for download in the PDF version here!
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