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  Ideas for delicious gifts for foodies

Gifts for Foodies – 5 Unique Ideas to Make Gourmets Happy

Gifts For Foodies 5 Unique Ideas To Make Gourmets HappyIf you are looking for special gifts for foodies, this item is for you! In our circle of friends, almost everyone shares a love of good food. If you also believe that “the way to a friend’s heart is through his stomach”, we have a few great gift tips for you!

1. Celebrate Your Friendship With a Gourmet Dinner!

Are you looking for a gift for a passionate gourmand and foodie? Invite your boyfriend/girlfriend to a dining experience with a difference. What interests do you share? For example, if you watch Tatort* together every Sunday, why not play the sleuth yourself at a joint crime dinner!

Maybe you are also big medieval fans or you love to play fantasy games together – the ideal gift is then a
knights’ dinner, the most beautiful of course in an appropriate location like a castle. But you can also find the right dining event for other common interests: whether scarydinner, Comedydinner or Musicaldinner– just go by what best sums up your similarities thematically. For fans of very specific comedians, some places in Germany even have a Heinz Ehrhardt Dinner, a Wilhelm Bush Dinner or a Loriot gala dinner. You know best what your friends like. That’s exactly what you can show them with what you give them.

2. Give Your Friends a Cooking Class!

You and your friends are the kind of people who prefer to cook your own meals instead of eating in restaurants? – No problem, we have the perfect tip for a very special gifts for foodies! No matter how good your friend or you are at cooking, there is always something to learn! The only thing that matters is that you have fun preparing delicious delicacies. Then one of the most beautiful and lasting gifts for foodies is a cooking class, preferably a joint one, of course, so you both get something out of it and have another opportunity to see each other right away.
There is now a huge range of specific cooking courses for every kind of foodie! When choosing, just pay attention to what the friend y
ou’re giving a gift to likes to eat, but never prepares themselves. For example, are you sushi fans? Then learn together how you can prepare the Japanese delicacy yourself from now on. Of course, the same goes for just about every national and regional cuisine! There are courses in indian, mexican, thailand, indonesian, mediterranean cuisine as well of course for all the delicious German regional specialities.

If your girlfriend/boyfriend has a sense for extravagance and likes to experiment, you can of course choose a particularly unusual cooking course for you, such as Molecular Cuisine (cooking like in a chemistry lab), Insect Preparation or the Cooking Course Crocodile and Snake!
Or he/she has recently decided to change his/her diet? This is the perfect opportunity to surprise your friend with a cooking class. There are cookery courses on offer for just about every diet, whether for vegetarian or vegan food, the Chinese 5-element cuisine or even the Paleo diet (eating like in the stone age).

3. Conjure Up Delicacies Yourself! – Brew Beer or Create Chocolates

An exciting alternative to a classic “cooking” class is a joint course or workshop on making a special delicacy that you wouldn’t normally make at home. Are you and your buddy passionate beer drinkers, for example? Then why not give him a brewing course together with you. Or your best friend has a notorious sweet tooth? Surprise her with a praline workshop or a course where you learned to how to make ice or makes your own chocolate and refines it to your own taste.
Everyone probably mixes cocktails at home from time to time. But let’s be honest: most of the time it’s just the same 2 or 3 long drinks for which you have the ingredients on hand. For real cocktail lovers, you can make them a real Cocktailworkshop. There you learn from a professional the essentials of a good cocktail and how to use the professional equipment of a bartender. For good reasons, participation in these courses is usually only possible from the age of 18 ;-).

4. Dive Into the World of the Senses! – Tasting Gifts for Foodies

Keyword alcohol: an ideal gift for gourmets of full age is also a tasting of their favourite alcoholic beverage. The classic in this respect is certainly wine tasting. On the subject of wine alone, countless special tastings offered, for example a Wine and Cheese Tasting, a tasting of the combination Wine and Chocolate, wine walks (in wine-growing regions you have an advantage here, of course) and Wine Seminars, where you learn to taste and describe wines properly. But more on that in a moment!

Such tastings are not only for wine – you can also find tastings for the Germans’ favourite alcoholic beverage – beer. What many people don’t know is that today there are real beer sommeliers who describe aromatic beers in just as much detail as they do wines and can recognise most beers by taste alone! That’s not so easy with about 10,000 to 15,000 beer brands worldwide by now.
In larger cities you also have the option of a Gin, Whiskey, Vodka or Rum Tastings depending on what your heart – or rather your tongue – desires.

5. Get To Know the Subtleties of Your Tongue! – This is How You Become a Gourmet

And that brings me to my next point: a gourmet tongue and palate must be trained and this is one of the best gifts for foodies! If you think back to the music you listened to when you were 12 or 13 years old, I’m sure some of you are blushing with shame right now. Taste, no matter in what respect, has to develop first. And anyone who sings or plays an instrument knows that the ear must first be trained before it can hear the subtle differences. It’s the same with the tongue and the taste buds, except that there’s still no subject at school called “Taste properly”. What a pity! All the better that nowadays you can close this gap through numerous exciting seminars, where you learn from experts to pay attention to the subtle differences.

As already mentioned, there are quite a few Wine Seminars, where you finally understand what is behind the flowery descriptions with which fine wines are advertised in the wine lists of many restaurants.

But it doesn’t always have to be alcohol! Even with the Germans’ favourite drink – no, not beer! – the fragrant stimulant coffee, there are several varieties. Around 60 types of coffee trees are grown in about 50 countries and roasted in different ways. It’s not easy to keep track of them all. If your best friend is an absolute coffee junkie – and that’s not so rare in this country – then a Coffee Seminar (also called Barista Course) as a gift is sure to be a great surprise. Just don’t drink every cup at the seminar, otherwise you probably won’t be able to sleep for three nights ;-).

But there’s also the right thing for heartier natures: why not give your meat-loving buddies a sausage seminar! For example, you can make your own bratwurst or white sausage, taste different varieties and finish off with a proper sausage menu.

However, the variants of taste education are far from exhausted: also with herb walks, Vinegar and Oil Seminars, champagne and champagne tastings or spice seminars you can further educate your palate. There’s a great gourmet event for literally every taste!

Gifts For Foodies 5 Unique Ideas To Make Gourmets HappyGifts For Foodies 5 Unique Ideas To Make Gourmets Happy*

While you’re here, take a look at our other tips for Gifts for Friends. There are also plenty of ideas for activities with friends, couples or children to discover on Greatime.

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