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Homemade Easter Basket – Pretty DIY Easter Decoration | Tutorial

Homemade Easter Basket Pretty Diy Easter Decoration TutorialYou don’t always need paper and raffia to make a homemade Easter basket! We reveal how to make a pretty Easter basket out of wool and a balloon!

Wool is our favourite craft material for Easter decorations this year – because it is incredibly versatile. Besides cuddly pompom Easter animals (Easter bunny and Easter lamb), you can also easily make homemade Easter baskets out of wool, which are made of environmentally friendly material and are pretty at the same time.

We have made two versions of this Easter baskets and tried two different methods to strengthen the wool and also designed them differently!

DIY Easter basket no. 1 was made with sugar starch and different fabric ribbons and wooden plates. Here you can find the instructions for the second yellow and blue Easter basket, which we strengthened with starch and designed differently.

Do you dye the eggs for the Easter basket with natural dyes? Here you can find tips and ideas for patterns!

Homemade Easter Basket From Wool and Ribbon

Make an homemade Easter basket from wool
This is how to make an homemade Easter basket

You should plan about 4 days for making an Easter basket, because the basket has to be bathed in sugar solution at least twice to make it stable. Only after the wool has dried out completely can you start shaping the Easter basket, otherwise it will deform!

Materials for Making an Homemade Easter Basket

How to Make A Homemade Easter Basket From Wool

Homemade Easter basket making using a balloon
Wrap a balloon with wool for this homemade Easter basket

1. Blow up a Balloon and Wrap It

First, blow up a balloon. Then knot the beginning of the thread to the balloon knot and wrap the balloon with a complete ball of wool in a criss-cross pattern to create a nice irregular pattern. Knot the end of the thread to the balloon knot as well.

Tip: To prevent the thread from slipping to the side at the beginning, the balloon must be inflated. In addition, you can charge it electrostatically by rubbing it, so that the thread holds better.

2. Soak the Balloon in Sugar Solution

To make a homemade Easter basket, you need to soak the wool in sugar solution
Soak the wrapped balloon in the sugar solution

Then mix about 1 kg of sugar with 2 litres and mix until the sugar is completely dissolved. Now tie a string about 20 cm long to the balloon to hang it up and carefully dip the balloon into the sugar solution from all sides until the wool is completely soaked.

It is best to hang the balloon on the string over the bathtub or in the shower to dry.

After about 12h or in the morning of the next day, we soaked the balloon again completely in the sugar solution.

Tip: You have to bathe the wool at least 2 times in the sugar solution until the wool has absorbed enough sugar to be really stiff after drying! After 3 times we got a super result.

3. Cut Out the Homemade Easter Basket

Using a pin, simply pop the balloon. Then place the sugar-wool egg on the wider bottom and press gently until the egg has a firm stand.

At about 1/3 height from the bottom, place the tape measure with paper clips and draw a line horizontally all around with the lead pencil. In the middle of the balloon, draw two lines vertically at a distance of 2.5 cm for the handle.

Now cut out the openings with the scissors along the drawn lines.

Tip: The handle should not be narrower than 2.5 cm so that the basket does not lose stability!

*Homemade Easter Basket Pretty Diy Easter Decoration TutorialHomemade Easter Basket Pretty Diy Easter Decoration Tutorial

4. Making the Handle of the Homemade Easter Basket

Homemade Easter basket craft with fabric ribbons
Stick on the handle of the homemade Easter basket

To stabilise the handle, I first glued a chequered fabric ribbon to each edge of the top with the hot glue gun.

Then I knotted 1 white satin ribbon, a light green transparent fabric ribbon and a metallic interwoven green thread at one end and cut it off after about 4 metres. On the metallic thread I threaded 11 wooden plates with bunnies in the Easter egg.

I used the hot glue gun to join the ribbons together at roughly 30 cm intervals and pressed a wooden plate with a heart onto the glue dot. In between I pushed one of the Easter bunny plates.

I wrapped the ribbons with the wooden plates tightly around the handle and fixed them with hot glue at the ends. You can hide the glue dots with a small wooden plate.

Homemade Easter basket making with fabric ribbons and decorative wooden motifs
Wrap the handle with fabric ribbons

5. Glue on the Border

Then glue a chequered border all around the Easter basket on the inside and on the outside. I used another thinner light green ribbon with quilted white stitching over the glued edge to make it disappear.

Gluing the border on the Easter basket
Last steps of the Easter basket

Finally, I threaded a little Easter bunny on the metallic thread in the middle of each side for decoration and glued it under the border. I glued a wooden heart onto the border on the front side.

For the second version of making DIY Easter baskets out of wool, click here!

While you’re here, check out our other Easter ideas, other craft ideas or browse our tips for activities with kids, your partner or friends.

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