Get out of the daily grind and into nature together: hiking with friends is one of the most beautiful leisure activities you can do. Make your hiking trip unforgettable with these unusual actions and challenges!
Whether with your best friend, your best friend or in your clique: when hiking with friends you literally walk the same path together. Every hiking tour is a joint journey of discovery and thus a guarantee for unforgettable moments. Your hike will be an extraordinary experience if you think about cool actions and challenges in advance! Our favorite challenges and hiking actions we have collected for you here..
No matter where you live or where you go on a trip, everywhere in Germany there are distinctly beautiful hiking trails and you can expect enchanted lakes, rugged coasts, breathtaking mountain peaks, wild flowers and if you’re lucky also the one or other wild animal: lots of inspiration for tests, crazy actions and challenges..
Wichtig! The right route and planning of your extraordinary hiking excursion you need to think about in advance, so that your joint venture is not a flop. To avoid frustration, we have important tips for you here, before it goes to the challenges: .
How to Choose the Right Route
Who hikes together, should also have the same goal! That’s why the most important thing before going on a hiking trip with friends is to first agree on a route. Aside from finding a date when you all have time, you should then ask yourselves the questions: Where do we want to hike? What do we want to see? How long do we want and can we hike?
The answer to the last question first: the length and also the difficulty of a hike should always be based on what the least fit or most inexperienced among you dare to do. You are not doing anyone any favors if one of you becomes exhausted halfway through the hike or stops enjoying it. The degree of athleticism and also the experience in outdoor hiking (for example, in the mountains) are sometimes quite different, so remember: Consideration is the first rule, also what concerns the pace of hiking..
All these criteria and, of course, your place of residence should influence your decision as to what your hiking trail will ultimately look like: going around a lake, climbing a mountain, across fields and forests, or a beach hike along the sea are just some of the possibilities that present themselves. Personally, I prefer to go outdoor hiking with my friends in the mountains, mostly in Upper Bavaria. There, the landscape is very varied – behind every bend in the path can be an idyllic valley where cows graze, a karstic mountain face or a rippling mountain stream.
The exploration of nature is most fun when you share this experience with friends. Everyone pays attention to different things and can make their friends aware of them. So you not only share beautiful moments with the people who are most important to you, you see the world a little bit through their eyes..
Tips for Planning Hiking With Friends
The A & O of a hike are the correct clothing and equipment. There is no bigger mood killer than sore feet or the wrong clothing in a downpour halfway through. So to keep the spirits of your little hiking group up you should be well prepared for the following challenges:.
a) Difficulty of the trail.
b) the weather.
With the right preparation and equipment, you can avoid unpleasant surprises like soggy shoes, cracked ankles and growling stomachs from the start. The right equipment, however, ensures more safety, especially if you want to hike in the mountains, on the cliffs or other terrain outdoor that holds dangers. Good footwear is most important for any hike. From heavy mountain boots with steel toecaps to 200 grams of light air-permeable high-end trekking shoes, the market offers hiking boots for different requirements.
The most important criterion for the right shoe is its functionality, second should only be its appearance. Choose shoes that are best suited for the type of hike you plan to do. For a light mountain hike in the summer, I can recommend the 472 gram light Mammut Tatlow*, while on a difficult mountain tour, where a firm footing is very important, I recommend my Meindl Perfect* swear, an all-rounder that has held its own for years among the top ten in many hiking forums.
If rain is announced, this does not have to be a reason to call off your project immediately: Outdoor hiking can be fun in any weather. Especially for more strenuous routes, hot summer weather is not necessarily ideal. Not only in the mountains, the weather can change without warning, so you should definitely think about rainproof clothing and rain protection for photo and backpack when planning. With the appropriate rain protection* in your luggage, you are perfectly equipped and prepared for sudden weather changes.
However, you should not pull through a hike come hell or high water if the weather promises rain or a thunderstorm threatens your safety. Especially on the coast or in the high mountains, you should pay attention to any warnings beforehand and take them seriously.
What all belongs to the optimal hiking equipment, can hardly be generalized, it depends entirely on you, your needs and of course the hiking route that you have undertaken. Below is a small checklist for the optimal hiking equipment that we use and test winners that we have compiled for you: Do you have everything you need for your hiking trip?
Checklist for Hiking Equipment*
- Hiking boots
- Hiking poles
- Rain protection
- Wind breaker / rain jacket
- Sunscreen
- Enough provisions (food) – glucose, chocolate bars for quick energy supply/circulation
- Adapt water supply to weather conditions – in hot weather you should drink more
- Backpacks
- Cell phone (especially for emergency calls)
- Print out map / hiking map / route (from paper! do not rely on cell phone)
Plaster (possibly also bandages, Our tip: First Aid Kit Pro von Deuter, medication - toilet paper & handkerchiefs
- Wet wipes
- Outdoor camera, we recommend a GoPro
- Cap / bandana for sun protection
- Picnic blanket
- Tent
- Sleeping bag
- Change of clothes
- Hygiene articles (toothpaste etc.)
This Is How Your Hike With Friends Will Be Unforgettable
Finally the day has come, your friends and you are waiting in the wings and you start your hike in good spirits. I can promise you: You need not worry that you might get bored on the way!
It’s best if you each think about a prize for the winner and a challenge before your hike. For example, my absolute favorite on a hot day after a 12-hour hike was a 7-kilogram watermelon, which my best friend conjured from her backpack on the summit.
Time for Deep Conversations
There is no better opportunity than an outdoor hike to vent with your friends about God and the world. I have often found myself having the best and deepest conversations while hiking with friends. Maybe it’s because of the permanent fresh air supply for’s brain, or because of the fact that one also moves physically or that one gets distance from everyday life.
Suddenly things come up, about which one would not talk during the How-are-you? call or the coffee chat inserted between work and sports class. A good opportunity, therefore, to talk something from the soul, to philosophize freely from the gut and to get to know his friends better..
Challenges and Crazy Actions

While hiking, you have the time to fool around with your friends at your heart’s content and share old anecdotes. You can take crazy photos as souvenirs or take part in a challenge. Who can last the longest without using I, you, he, she and it? Who carried the most pine cones to the top and who built the most beautiful cairn?
Truly on the Road – Singing Hiking Songs
I myself am not a good singer, but maybe you are? Warbling songs loudly in groups while hiking outdoors has a long tradition and can be fun together. Should you feel like it, do you no constraint and tune cheerfully hiking songs, there are finally enough of them! As then: In the early dew to mountains, we go, falleraaaa!!!!!
Challenges While Resting
As nice as outdoor hiking is, after a while it’s exhausting and makes you hungry, so it’s absolutely essential, especially on longer hikes, to take breaks to recharge your batteries. You can make a wonderful challenge out of it! Who finds the best place to rest? Who spread until now the best mood?.
The best places for a rest are those that offer a great view or where you just want to stay longer. There you can spread out the picnic blanket and enjoy the packed provisions.
- Who can name the most mountains?
- Collect 20 plants, who is the best biologist?
- Who finds the most beautiful shells (or stones) and knows their names?
- Who manages to climb up a fir tree and harvest a cone?
- And who can find the best place to echo?
Challenges at the Finish
For me, the most beautiful moment of a mountain tour with friends is when we arrive exhausted but happy at the summit, unpack bread we brought with us, open a summit beer and let the view sweep over the expanse. The whole world of everyday life with their worries then lies below us or is actually no longer there.
You’re with a handful of people you really like and have the head finally once completely free. A simple wisdom, but nevertheless no less true: achieving a goal together, in a very literal sense, strengthens the sense of belonging and deepens any friendship.
The Best Challenges for Climbers and Explorers
- Who took the best photo of the group?
- Who brought the best snack?
- Friends check: How well do you really know your friends? Test your knowledge with questions
Who has the best idea for an original summit picture? - Who writes the best verse in the summit book?
- And who is the first to reach the finish line?
- Photo tips for the summit: form a pyramid, lie in a circle with your heads to the center and form a star, put the camera on the ground and bend over the camera
Summer is the best time for outdoor hiking with friends, for trips and any kind of outdoor recreation! On our website you can find many more summer activities and excursion tips. But also around the year you will find a wide variety of ideas for great activities with friends, as a couple or with the family.
And if you like our ideas and don’t want to miss any more, just like us on Facebook and Instagram! 😉
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