US stars Kirsten Dunst and Hilary Duff swear by piloxing! This new trend sport from Hollywood is well suited for a workout and makes the body fit for spring and summer with lots of fun. This is what is all the fuzz about piloxing workout.
Loud music is blaring. A group of women of mixed ages balance on one leg, jump back and forth and punch the air wildly. Sweat trickles down their foreheads – and they laugh and have an incredible amount of fun together piloxing.
Every year there are a few crazy and funny trend sports to discover that are worth trying out. True to the motto: sport is fun – if you find the right sport for you. But there are some sports wherefun is really the focus: and one of them seems to be piloxing.
What is Piloxing?
Piloxing combines Pilates and boxing – hence the name. Two sports that are actually complete opposites and yet fit together perfectly and, when combined, provide a toned body, muscles and a lot of fun during the workout. It is an interval training in which a trainer dances and boxes to music and alternates with Pilates exercises.
One hour of Piloxing really gets you going and moves every muscle. Boxing punches and choreographed dance steps alternate and you quickly notice that you need both strength and endurance for this trend sport. The intense movements keep your arms and legs constantly in motion – instead of breaks, there’s Pilates! You can feel the kilos literally tumbling.
Piloxing trains mobility, endurance and flexibility and strengthens the muscles. And everywhere: from shoulders, back, arms, buttocks to abdomen and legs. Per hour you dance and box about 600 calories in a workout.
Get Fit Together With a Piloxing Workout
Piloxing is just the right sport for women who want to strengthen their body image and their self-confidence at the same time. It makes the whole body fit and if you stick to it properly, you will steer towards your dream figure.
Whether at home with your best friend in front of the TV, in the park or at a fitness studio during a course: doing sports to music and really getting out of shape together is simply fun. Especially when you notice how you get fitter and fitter and that this workout really brings something – provided you do it regularly!
Our tip: The best way to get rid of your inner pig, sore muscles and inertia is to set fixed times and goals together with a friend. More tips on doing sport together can be found here.
What Do I Need for Piloxing?
When piloxing, you wear normal sports clothes. Indoors, you train barefoot – outdoors, of course, you can also do it with sports shoes. In the beginning you train only with your own body. Advanced practitioners use additional weight gloves, which weigh about 300 g per glove. This strengthens the muscle development of the arms.
Where Can I Try Piloxing?
Fitness studios and dance studios offer Piloxing classes in many cities. In the warm season, there are also sometimes free offers in the parks in large cities such as Munich and Berlin to simply give Piloxing a try.
You can train comfortably at home with a DVD – for example with Christine Neubauer. There is also a version with the inventor of this trend sport, the Swede Viveca Jensen – a professional dancer, personal trainer and Pilates coach who is also an amateur boxer.
Piloxing, Zumba, Bokwa – with these new sports, dance, motivation and exhaustion are the order of the day. Of these trend sports to music, piloxing is one of the most strenuous – but also most effective. It is suitable for women of all ages and trains the muscles of the entire body – it is a recommended work out for women who sit in the office all day and want to strengthen their back and improve posture.
However, those who have had a longer break from sport and are just starting out in terms of fitness should start slowly and gradually increase the length of the workout and the level of demand – because the normal Piloxing workout (duration 1 hour) is tailored to advanced users in terms of demand.
Admittedly, the typical American cheers are not to everyone’s taste. But it’s definitely worth a try 😉
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