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  Piñata for adults - a perfect surprise for a wedding, birthday, anniversary or stag party

Piñata for Adults – Let’s Get Smash The Ultimate Party Gift

Pi Ata For Adults Let 039 S Get Smash The Ultimate Party GiftOriginally a children’s game, the piñata has long since become a special party highlight for adults – whether for a wedding, bachelor party, birthday or a big event!

The custom of the piñata originally comes from… ? Mexico? Spain?? Both wrong: from China! Supposedly, the piñata was observed there by none other than Marco Polo, whose travelogue subsequently popularised it – like the noodle – in southern Europe.

A piñata is a large colourful figure made of papier-mâché filled with all kinds of sweets, traditionally fruits and nuts, which is hung up. One person at a time is blindfolded and tries to smash the piñata with a large bat so that it rains sweets. The bystanders sing a certain song, which varies from region to region.

For children in Latin America and Spain, but especially in Mexico, a party without a piñata is almost unthinkable, and it is especially popular at Christmas time in these countries. In China, the piñata was originally intended for adults: in the form of a large cow filled with delicious food, the breaking of the piñata was celebrated as a ritual to welcome the new year.

In the meantime, piñatas have become popular with young and old alike, and they can also be bought here in all kinds of shapes.

The Right Adult Piñata for Every Occasion

Depending on the occasion for which you want to give someone a piñata as a special surprise, you should also choose the shape.

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By the way, we also have tips on what makes a good piñata filling.

Wedding Piñata

If you want to make a piñata yourself, for example with these instructions, you can portray the bride and groom themselves on it. A fun wedding game is for the bride to smash the groom’s piñata and the groom to smash the bride’s piñata.

Rotes Herz-Pinata - Zugschnur
Rotes Herz-Pinata - Zugschnur
1 rotes Herz Zugschnur Pinata; Tolle Party-Dekoration und lustiges Spiel auf einer Valentinsparty
Unique Party - Pinata
Unique Party - Pinata
1 Pinata Premiumqualität von Schatz Piraten
29,99 EUR
Trendario Einhorn Pinata - 57x37cm groß in Rosa/Pink - ungefüllt - Ideal zum Befüllen mit Süßigkeiten und Geschenken - Piñata für Kindergeburtstag Spiel, Geschenkidee, Party, Hochzeit
Trendario Einhorn Pinata - 57x37cm groß in Rosa/Pink - ungefüllt - Ideal zum Befüllen mit Süßigkeiten und Geschenken - Piñata für Kindergeburtstag Spiel, Geschenkidee, Party, Hochzeit
Einhorn Pinata: Ein super Highlight für die nächste Kinder Geburtstagsparty.; Geschenkidee: Piniatas sind tolle Geschenke für Junge und Mädchen. Ideal als Party Deko!
19,90 EUR
1 Einhorn-Pinata; Tolle Party-Dekoration und lustiges Spiel für jede Einhorn-Geburtstagsfeier
19,99 EUR
Pi Ata For Adults Let 039 S Get Smash The Ultimate Party GiftPi Ata For Adults Let 039 S Get Smash The Ultimate Party Gift

Piñata for a Stag or Hen Party

Before the wedding comes the stag or hen party and piñatas are becoming increasingly popular for this occasion too.

In contrast to the wedding, the piñata for adults can take on more provocative shapes, such as a giant dick, breasts, a beer bottle or a laughing turd…

Pi Ata For Adults Let 039 S Get Smash The Ultimate Party GiftPi Ata For Adults Let 039 S Get Smash The Ultimate Party GiftPi Ata For Adults Let 039 S Get Smash The Ultimate Party GiftPi Ata For Adults Let 039 S Get Smash The Ultimate Party Gift

Kothaufen Emoji Pinata - Zugschnur
Kothaufen Emoji Pinata - Zugschnur
1 Kothaufe Emoji Zugschnur Pinata; Tolle Party-Dekoration und lustiges Spiel für eine Emoji-Geburtstagsfeier
27,94 EUR
Pi Ata For Adults Let 039 S Get Smash The Ultimate Party GiftPi Ata For Adults Let 039 S Get Smash The Ultimate Party GiftPi Ata For Adults Let 039 S Get Smash The Ultimate Party GiftPi Ata For Adults Let 039 S Get Smash The Ultimate Party Gift

Piñata for a Birthday, Anniversary or Other Occasion

However, a piñata for adults is also a super party surprise for a birthday or any other occasion where there is a big celebration.

A nice piñata motif for a birthday is, for example, a birthday cake. Or you can choose the motif according to the interests and hobbies of the birthday child or the person who is the focus of the party.

Maybe an electric guitar for a rock fan or a dragon for someone who loves fantasy. Or you could choose the traditional Latin American design with cone-shaped tops. Here are some suggestions:

Amscan P19699 - Pull-Pinata Geburtstagskuchen, Größe 27,3 x 30,4 x 27,3 cm
Amscan P19699 - Pull-Pinata Geburtstagskuchen, Größe 27,3 x 30,4 x 27,3 cm
Die Größe beträgt circa 27,3 x 30,4 x 27,3 cm; An der Unterseite der Pinata befinden sich bunte Schnüre zum Öffnen
26,59 EUR
Creative Collection Pinata-Schwein, hawaiisches Design
Creative Collection Pinata-Schwein, hawaiisches Design
Die Hawaiian Pig ist eine große Pinata; Eine wirklich farbenfrohe und lustige Schwein Design
Pi Ata For Adults Let 039 S Get Smash The Ultimate Party GiftPi Ata For Adults Let 039 S Get Smash The Ultimate Party Gift

Looking for more Birthday surprise ideas? You can also find 111 party theme ideas and many more party ideas on our website. Plus lots of tips for activities with friends, as a couple or as a family.

You want to stay up to date with the latest tips & ideas from Greatime? It’s easy: follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

Image source Cover photo: Piñata by Kiwi Flickr at CC BY 2.0.

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