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  How to make a toilet roll chick

Toilet Roll Chick – How to Craft Cute Easter Chicks | Tutorial

Toilet Roll Chick How To Craft Cute Easter Chicks TutorialQiuck and easy Easter DIY for families: Craft a fluffy toilet roll chick as an Easter nest for chocolate eggs or Easter sweets.

A toilet paper roll comes to life as a chick. It hasn’t hatched out of the egg by itself, but is feathered with craft glue and has a beak stuck on. Nevertheless, it can wiggle its eyes, has feet, a beak and a tail and is just waiting to be fed with Easter sweets. It takes about 30 minutes to make an toilet roll chick.

At Greatime there are 2 instructions for Easter decorations made from toilet paper rolls and an empty egg box: a toilet roll bunny, which can be used as an egg cup, and the Easter chick as an Easter nest for sweets!

Crafting A Toilet Roll Chick as an Easter Nest

Toilet roll chick craft
One toilet roll chick is already ready!

Materials for Making Easter Chicks

Most of the things you need to make Easter chicks with toilet paper rolls are usually available at home: a toilet paper roll, an empty egg carton, a paint box and craft glue. Alles weitere bekommt man in jedem Bastelgeschäft oder im Internet zum Beispiel bei amazon*.

  • 1 loo roll
  • 1 empty egg carton for beak and feet
  • Cardboard
  • 2 wiggle eyes
  • Yellow feathers
  • Yellow acrylic paint
  • glue, alternatively hot glue gun
  • Scissors
  • Newspaper to place underneath

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NET TOYS 50 Bastelfedern Deko Federn gelb - ca. 10 cm Bastel Dekofedern Samba Zierfedern Rio Flauschfedern Federschmuck Zubehör
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Toilet Roll Chick How To Craft Cute Easter Chicks Tutorial*

How to Make a Toilet Roll Chick

Making a toilet roll chick is easy
Just glue on the feathers…
  1. Lay out the table with newspaper and paint the toilet roll yellow inside and out at least 2 times so that the colour covers.
  2. Cut the tip of one of the pyramids used to hold the eggs from the egg carton and cut it to about 1 cm long to use as a beak. Cut out two chick feet from the egg carton.
  3. Paint the beak and feet orange.
  4. The closed bottom of the toilet roll: Place the toilet roll on cardboard, go around once and leave about 0.5 cm more border and cut out. Paint it yellow and let it dry. Cut the edge in towards the centre until it forms a circle and bend the cardboard pieces inwards. Now you can press the bottom through from the inside down to the chick’s bottom until it sits horizontally tight. Normally the cardboard holds wedged so well that you don’t have to glue!
  5. Glue on the beak, feet and two wiggly eyes.
  6. Now glue on the yellow feathers as little wings, little tails and on top of the head.
  7. Fill the Easter chick with sweets. 🙂

Check out our toilet roll bunny with toilet paper rolls! You’ll also find lots of other crafting ideas with instructions to follow! All year round you can browse the leisure ideas portal for inspiration for gifts and activities with children, friends and your partner.

There are more DIY instructions for Easter decorations and many more ideas for your free time to discover at Greatime! Support us and like our page on Facebook and Instagram!

*This article contains affiliate links to amazon. This means that if you order a product through it, we receive a small commission.

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