What to do at home today? The question of all questions on a day off. We’ve already given you 101 answers to the question What are we doing outdoor today?. But what if you just want to do something at home? These are another 77 tips to try!
Finally weekend, vacation or just a day off – but how do you spend your valuable free time sensibly without having the feeling afterwards that you have done nothing again? What to do today?, is the seemingly so difficult question you ask yourself. And besides, you or you have today so no desire to leave the house (except perhaps for a flash shopping), for example, because the weather is lousy or you just want to stay at home comfortably.
Well, what to do to keep boredom at bay and make the most of your free time? We have thought about it a few thoughts and proudly present you the result: 77 ideas for leisure activities at home!
What Are We Doing at Home Today?
What to Do at Home… Delicious ?
- Motto-cooking: You give yourselves a motto, e.g. perfect pizza or midsummer night’s dream and cook together an awesome menu.
- Creative cooking: You do not feel like going shopping or the stores are already closed? Just put all the ingredients that are available to you on the table and think of a meal. With us there are already unexpected delicacies emerged!
- Cooking Challenge: Our absolute favorite in terms of recreational activities with cooking. At least two teams challenge each other to a culinary duel. Here’s in detail how our Cooking Challenge goes.
- Food Challenge: all friends make the same thing at home or at the same time beforehand, and then there is a blind tasting with voting to see who won.
- Ingredient Challenge: One friend / Team 1 gives 5-10 ingredients and the other friend / Team 2 conjures up a main course from it, Team 2 also gives 5-10 ingredients and Team 1 prepares a starter or dessert from it.
- Bake together… a cake, a cake, cookies, maybe a bread with their own spice composition
- Make your own syrup from seasonal fruits, flowers or nuts, for example you can make your own elderflower syrup
- Make your own liqueur or schnapps with each other, then you can design special labels together and have great personalized gifts!
- Mixes cocktails yourself and invents one or the other ingenious own creation
- Rather lazy today? Order a lot of different food and make the comparison
What to Do at Home if You Are in a Creative Mood?

- Solve a mystery together: Solve mystery puzzles together
- Invents and writes a story together
- Drawand paint together
- Write a screenplay for a movie together, e.g., as a wedding video message
- Shoot an impromptu short film
- Record a audio book with each other: either record your favorite book or a short story you think is great, or put a story you wrote yourself to music. This is also a super memory and a great personal gift for mutual friends!
- Crafts utility items, such as lanterns, lampshades, knife holders, etc.
- Crafts gifts for special occasions – homemade gifts can not be beaten in terms of uniqueness.
- Craft your own greeting cards, postcards or gift certificates
- Beautifies commodities such as bottles with self-designed labels
- Build furniture: Build utilitarian objects together such as tables or shelves from old wine crates and benches from old Euro pallets
- Crafts decorations and flower arrangements from natural materials such as twigs, leaves and flowers
- Designs everyday objects individually new: for example, paint a white lampshade or decorate the wooden kitchen board on the edge with carved patterns
- …or you create your own designs on the PC for cups, piggy banks, T-shirts, boxer shorts
- …or you sew / craft small friendship dolls, which you can later give to a friend as a surprise.
- Engraves items from leather: If you have a branding iron, you can easily make many items individual and special: from gym balls, leather footballs, purses, the handbag to jewelry bags
- Origami falten: von Deko, Etiketten bis zu Lampions kann man tolle Gegenstände und Geschenke aus einem Stück Papier falten.
- Gestaltet zusammen ein Fotoalbum oder Sammelalbum mit Fotos, Texten, Bildern, Eintrittkarten erstellen, eben mit allem was euch verbindet
- Entdeckt beim Urban Knitting zusammen die gute alte Handarbeit wieder: Strickt, häkelt, näht oder stickt gemeinsam etwas
- Unterhaltet euch in einer Fremdsprache, die ihr alle beherrscht und übt diese so auf spielerische Wese
- Lernt zusammen eine neue Fremdsprache, z.B. mit Hilfe eines Lehrbuchs oder auch mit YouTube-Videos
What Are We Doing Cozy at Home?

- Video chat with friends in another city: via Skype or Whatsapp, free apps for computers and smartphones, you can see each other doing it. Why doesn’t your friend play a game together with you on the screen?
- Make music together, for example with guitar, keyboard and drums
- Listen to your favorite songs and sing along loudly
- Play Singstar or Karaoke with YouTube karaoke videos
- TV zapping: play a game by letting the remote go around. The one whose turn it is zaps through the channels 3 times. If he zaps on a pre-arranged scene or character such as “cartoon character”, “2 kiss” or “nature” he must do something that you agree on before playing.
- Tatort evening with friends: make the iconic television series your common cult.
- Music evening: with Youtube and motto like the 80s or 90s, or just play good music in turn. Maybe you still have records, CDs or even cassettes at home?
- Series evening with friends: Here you can get tips on how to create the perfect series night.
- A movie night (themed), e.g. movies about friendship
- Youtube trash session: Surely this is not a leisure activity? But hello! Surely each of you knows, trashy, crazy, good, entertaining videos.
- Make a slide show with old memories or vacation pictures
- One of you reads an exciting book to the others – or you read in turn
- …or you listen to a nice audiobook or radio play together
What Playful Activities Can We Do at Home?
- Get out the game collection with the good classics: chess, mill, checkers, Chinese checkers and of course the popular Mensch ärgere dich nicht
- Plays cards – There are sheer endless good card games, for example Pharo, Hurricane, Swim or Whist
- Plays a pen-&-paper role-playing game like The Black Eye or Dungeons & Dragons*
- You’re in a good mood, it’s after 12:00 and you have enough alcohol in the house? Then play drinking games, such as one of our dice drinking games or our drinking games with cards
- Make a quiz e.g. the Movie Quotes Quiz! In turn, everyone gets to be the quizmaster.
- Learn something new together for example card tricks or feats
- Play games together, on the Playstation, Wii, computer or smartphone
- Plan a surprise party together for someone: Tips on how to make the party a great birthday surprise for a friend can be found here. But actually a surprise party is worthwhile even without an occasion.
- Organizes spontaneously a motoparty
- Roaches the closets and makes a small model photo session at home.
- Take a time trip down memory lane with your friends using old memories & photos.
- Or reminisce playfully with nostalgia games.
- Put your evening under a motto like Cuba, Australia, Caribbean, for example you can give a movie night with Pirates of the Caribbean with tropical cocktails and snacks something special.
- Swap night: host a swap night to swap books, movies, games, items, etc.
- Schlüpft in neue Rollen beim Spieleklassiker Pantomime.
- Spielt Ich sehe was, was du nicht siehst
- …oder Ich packe meinen Koffer
- …oder Wer bin ich?
- Veranstaltet eine kleine Indoor Schnitzeljagd für Erwachsene
- …oder macht eine Hausrallye
- …oder das Olympiade-Spiel
What to Do at Home if You Are in a Romantic Mood? – 10 Tips Especially for Couples
- Have breakfast together in bed
- Stay in bed the same all day, cuddle and…. enjoy yourselves 😉
- Enjoy a nice bubble bath together in the bathtub between tea lights and candles
- Give each other a relaxing or even sensual massage
- Lay an old record and dance to it
- Take turns telling each other secrets you’ve never told anyone
- Reminisce about shared memories
- Make a movie night of romantic movies
- Show each other photo albums with pictures from your childhood
- View the stars together from the window and invent new constellations that tell of your love
- Spend a romantic evening for two together
- Browse through an atlas and dream about all the trips you want to take together
Excuse me?! Seriously?!? You’re still wondering What to do at home? after 77 free time suggestions? Then you should definitely check out these indoor activities or start browsing our pool of ideas right now with activities with friends, activities with kids and activities for two. 😉
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