How good is your sense of taste? The blind taste test is part 1 of our culinary quiz and challenges not only knowledge but also the senses. Try a different kind of quiz!
The Quiz with Blind Taste Test and About Knowledge
Do you recognise cardamom purely by taste? And what about fig mustard, rock candy and beetroot? In this blind taste test, it’s all about unconscious and conscious knowledge from the world of culinary. In the second part of the culinary quiz you need learned knowledge, now it’s time to get down to business. The two quiz parts together consist of 29 quiz questions. It is advisable to alternate knowledge questions and taste tests at a games evening or celebration for entertaining entertainment. Depending on the size of the group, it is advisable to play in several teams.
Knowledge is read, learned or experienced – and our knowledge is questioned and challenged every day. This is almost automatic. It is quite different with our sense of taste. Because here you see and know what you are tasting before your fork reaches your mouth – usually! Surprise your friends or family with a quiz of a special kind, a taste test! Every curious quiz lover will love it ;-).
You can also find the complete quiz at the end of the article for free download as a PDF!
Preparation and Procedure of the Blind Taste Test
For the taste test, provide each team with 7 bowls, cups or glasses of serving samples, each with 7 spoons, and cover them with a cloth. You also need an eye mask for each team member – you can also simply use scarves and knot them behind your head. Now print out the Quiz Questions Part 1 and Part 2 for yourself and have a sheet of paper and pens ready for each team to write down the answers.
The quizmaster asks the knowledge questions aloud and reads out the possible answers. Each team now discusses and writes down their solution on the paper. For the blind taste test, team 1 and team 2 take turns. For each test, the team selects one player who will take part in the taste test. All players are now given an eye mask. The taste tester tastes and describes what he tastes. Now his team may help. The quizmaster reads out a tricky clue or a riddle question that gives a clue about the food and the team thinks together what the solution is and writes it down.
This blind taste test and the following quiz is ideal for a games evening or a small party with 8-10 people playing in 2 teams. With more players, it is recommended to form more than two teams, in which case you simply have to adjust the ingredients and materials given.
This Is What* You Need for the Blind Taste Test
Delicious bites and also some less delicious morsels challenge the taste buds and provide entertainment for the watching teammates and the opposing team. You only need a spoonful of each taste test – or even less.
- 2 x 7 bowls*, cups or saucers
- 14 spoons
- 1 set of eye masks or scarves
- Quiz questions and answers
- 1 sheet of paper and pencil for each team
- Jello
- 1 chopped date
- bite-sized broken grissini
- Macadamia nuts
- 1 jar of pickled stuffed vine leaves
- jar of pickled artichoke hearts
- one fresh persimmon fruit
- one fresh star fruit
- Creamed horseradish or fresh horseradish
- candied ginger
- grated nutmeg
- cardamon powder
- a fresh young spinach leaf
- cream cheese
- Disposable dessert bowls
Blind Taste Test Tips and Riddle Questions – Part 1
- The traffic light sets the colour – but no gods brake before it.
- For every 100 females, there are only 2-3 males, and they provide me with sugary sweet fruit every 2 years.
- Invented in Piedmont, it conquered the world – including certain restaurants in Germany!
- They call me queen among my peers. So it goes without saying that I am quite difficult to treat.
- Tip: Nothing typically German, let your gaze drift drunkenly towards the southeast!
- Tip: I have a heart and healing powers.
- I am a fruit of the gods. In China, I have been cultivated, appreciated and consumed for a very long time.
- A garden full of peanut vines, cucumber trees, strawberry hedges and water palms. I grow on one of them.
- At one time pepper was unaffordable for poor people. So they gladly resorted to me.
- Dried, fresh or pickled – many national cuisines love me. Ich gebe vielen Gerichten den letzten Pfiff. Diese Zubereitungsart ist auch etwas für Kinder.
- Tip: Whole or ground, this spice tastes best fresh.
- Tip: Ladu, Massala, Kanelbulle, Glögg, Spekulatius – I give them the right spice.
- Tip: I am not a salad! Even though I sometimes spice up salads.
- Tip: In China, they grimace when they see me. But here I come in many varieties.
You can find the correct answers here in the PDF version of the culinary quiz.
The 2nd part of the culinary quiz with knowledge test can be found here.
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