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13 Halloween Quiz Questions – Do You Know All About Halloween?

13 Halloween Quiz Questions Do You Know All About HalloweenWhere does Halloween come from? What do people actually celebrate there? And wears that mask? At least 2 of these Halloween quiz questions are answered in this quiz.

Of all the seasonal festivals, Halloween is not only the spookiest, but also the most mysterious. What exactly is it that is celebrated? Is it the festival of ghosts, witches or vampires? And where does all the spookiness actually come from?

Probably because it hasn’t been celebrated in German-speaking countries for very long, many people in this country don’t know the answer to these questions right away. But Halloween has become very popular in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, not least among children, because Halloween also means lots of sweets!

But there is much more to celebrating Halloween than dressing up and going around the house demanding sweets, as nice as that is in itself. But there’s also DIY Halloween decorations, such as hollowed-out pumpkins or Halloween cards, an imaginative Halloween party and Halloween games make for great spooky fun.

This Halloween quiz questions are suitable for children and adults as part of your Halloween celebration. Possible rule for additional motivation: for every correctly answered question you get a candy from the ghost that haunts your house 😉

We also offer all Halloween Quiz questions and answers as a free PDF download!

13 Halloween Quiz Questions About the Spookiest Time of the Year

1. From which country does Halloween originally come?

a) USA

b) Russia

c) Finland

d) Ireland

2. What do people originally celebrate on Halloween?

a) The annual gathering of the witches

b) Victory over the devil

c) The end of summer

d) The pumpkin harvest

3. What is the English name for the hollowed-out pumpkins with carved grimaces in which candles are placed?

a) Celtic Lamp

b) Polly Pumpkin

c) Fearsome Face

d) Jack O’Lantern

What are the names of the typical jack-o-lanterns of Halloween? - That's one of the Halloween quiz questions
A typical jack-o’-lantern of Halloween

4. In which cult film does the King of Halloween Town try to usurp Christmas?

a) A Christmas Carol

b) Corpse Bride

c) Halloween

d) Nightmare Before Christmas

5. What was the original purpose of dressing up on Halloween?

a) To scare the spirits of the dead

b) To reenact an old legend

c) To make the ghosts feel like they are among their own kind

d) To avoid being recognised by witches

6. What do dressed-up children shout when they ring the doorbell on Halloween?

a) Hands up or I’ll shoot!

b) Open sesame!

c) Trick or treat!

d) Alaaf!

7. Which Celtic festival is considered the precursor of Halloween?

a) Celtmas

b) Samhain

c) Wal Purr Ghis

d) Gwynhylldrych

8. Which holiday is still celebrated on 31 October?

a) Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

b) American Independence Day

c) Reformation Day

d) World Children’s Day

9. On which Christian holiday do children also parade through the streets with lanterns and sing for sweets?

a) Whit Sunday

b) Shrove Monday

c) St. Martin’s Day

d) St. Nicholas Day

10. Which world-famous animated series is known for its special Halloween episodes?

a) Simpsons

b) South Park

c) Mummins

d) Dragon Ball

11. According to legend, where do witches gather in Germany for the witches’ sabbath?

a) At Lake Constance

b) At Neuschwanstein Castle

c) In the Lüneburg Heath

d) On the Brocken in the Harz mountains

12. Which creepy creature is said to be sensitive to silver?

a) Troll

b) Werewolf

c) Vampire

d) Poltergeist

13. How many films (including remakes) does the Halloween film series count so far? (as of 2020)

a) 3

b) 5

c) 8

d) 11

You can find the correct Halloween Quit questions and answers here in the PDF version!

While you’re here, why not browse through our other Halloween ideas or discover other leisure tips and ideas for families, couples and friends.

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